It may seem like you’re more vulnerable to attacks from this position, but ultimately, claiming the center will give you more mobility. However, it’s best to advance your pieces toward the center. Rookie players sometimes rely on the sides of the board for safety, since pieces on the sides cannot be jumped. Not to worry though, there are a few key strategies that you can use to win some games. While Checkers is not quite as popular as a game like Chess, there is still a lot of strategy involved. You win by removing all of your opponent's pieces from the board, or if your opponent can't make a move. They can even combine jumps forward and backward on the same turn! Kings can move and jump diagonally in any direction. If one of your pieces gets to the opposite side of the board (your opponent's back row), it will turn into a King. If after jumping, your piece could make another jump, it is allowed to make additional jumps. To capture an opponent's piece and remove it from the board, you need to "jump" over their piece with one of yours. Your pieces can only move forward one tile diagonally (they always stay on the brown tiles). Use your finger to move your pieces around the board. The goal of Checkers, or "Draughts", is to remove all your opponent's pieces from the board.

the computer, or against an online opponent!